A Vote for Women: Celebrating the Women’s Suffrage Movement and the 19th Amendment charts the history of the women’s suffrage movement in the U.S., the fight for the vote, and some of the advances that have resulted from that victory.

Researched, written, and designed to the highest of standards, with major contributions from the likes of the National Park Service and the National Women’s History Museum, and a detailed selection of archival photography.

As Senior Designer I accompanied every step of the publication from working on the cover, inner editorial design and selecting materiality such as papers and special Pantone colours to designing endpapers and print proofing.

Printed by Leycol on GalerieArt Satin 150gsm; Credit: Head of Design – Aniela Gil

A Vote For Women book cover design.


The challenges for the publication was to create a beautifully crafted coffee-table book as well as celebrating the history American suffragette movement. It is important that the book brings together key stories of current best practice in the field of equality and women’s issues, but also offers an insight into Congress and the major US government departments today, outlining their current activities and campaigns.


  • Engaging publication that celebrates the history of the American Suffragette moment.

  • Clear but adaptable editorial and typographic system. 

  • Bringing historic and culturally relevant theme into context of 21st century publication.

A Vote For Women pages designed in a modern editorial typographic style.


The overarching publication concept is to create a modern, yet elevated coffee-table book allowing the historic content and archival content to connect to today.

The typographic approach is a mixture between a grotesque sans serif for cover, headlines, pullout quotes and page furniture, and a serif font for body copy and captions. It was important to find the right balance between historic and modern content without feeling disconnected to the editorial content.

The colour palette is a mixture between a cool light Grey and a metallic special Pantone Gold, referencing the suffragette movements bright Yellow ribbon colour but also allowing the varying content to breathe and not getting stylised too much.

Suffragette banners and buttons featrued in the A Vote For Women book.
Branding and typography for A Vote for Women publication featuring a special Pantone Gold.
Typography and typefaces used in A Vote For Women.

“We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever”


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